
Invisible AI
Series A Startup

My Role

User Experience Designer

Design team of one


Prateek (Head of Product)

Project Timeline

1 month


Building better user experience and interface design for an on-premise computer vision platform to optimize assembly line production in factories with AI

Context // Summary

Invisible AI is an on-premise computer vision platform that captures data from manual assembly work and uses AI to make smart recommendations. Their solutions focus on safety and ergonomics, maximizing throughput and performance with AI for team and work optimization, prioritizing quality and saving time by analyzing product's lifecycle.

I collaborated with Prateek (Head of Product), Sonya (Product Manager) and Dev Team on reimagining user experience, enabling seamless customer journeys and focusing on quick navigation for the overall B2B SaaS product.

Project 1

Analytics center showcases all the meta data on the car manufacturing process that factories share with Invisible AI.

The goal was to redesign the analytics center to improve efficiency and faster navigation to gather information

Project Impact

  • Improved efficiency and ease of use by 30%

  • Reduce cognitive load on the user and systematic display of information using gestalt principles

Project 2

Global Ergo Monitor Config is a feature that let's the operators/managers get insights into human ergonomic postures that the Invisible AI system can flag or measure.

Project Impact

  • Reduced number of clicks and shortened the user flow by 80%

  • Saved time during installation by simplifying the process of modifying global ergo monitor config app

Current Experience and Painpoints

Invisible AI's customers, primarily car manufacturing factories give them a lot of meta data on the cars they are building. We highlighted certain pain-points that were hindering the current experience and did a thorough heuristics evaluation.

Here are a few blockers that we identified in the current design.

Missing car model comparison

Customers are asking for splitting the data between 2 types of model, A and B that showcase different cycle and wait time for comparison. I prioritized a feature that showed cycle and wait times in a singular view and allow changing the graphs by splitting data by metric (such as engine or serial number) or with model type.

Excessive scrolling and cognitive overload

The current flow had so many charts on the page that required the customer to keep scrolling and it was difficult to keep track of the data and information increasing cognitive load and decreased efficiency in navigation. I prioritized an efficient showcase of graphs by using a tabular list feature that showed types of graphs and tables in a single view.

Cluttered UI

Top navigation and filters option were cluttered and monotone with irregularities in visual design. My focus and approach was to use gestalt principles to show proximity and relevance in visual design and reduce clutter to simplify information provided

Current Experience and Painpoints

There were many asks from the end-user's point of view and below are user stories that drove the improvements to the current version of the application above. This feature was elaborate as each individual bend had it's own metrics but it needed to be shortened for a quick installation during setup.

User Story 1

As an end-user, I want to be able to use a global “Ergo Monitor” app config every time I install the EM app to save time. There isn't a way to do that in the current version of the flow. I prioritized a feature that showed cycle and wait times in a singular view and allow changing the graphs by splitting data by metric (such as engine or serial number) or with model type.

User Story 2

As an end-user, I want to be able to modify the default/global EM app config visible on install and save it as the new global default upon save. I prioritized an efficient showcase of graphs by using a tabular list feature that showed types of graphs and tables in a single view.

User Story 3

As an end-user, I need to be able to enable/disable each available bend in the config and modify the angle/time thresholds for each bend to better analyze safety situations in my factory. My focus and approach was to use gestalt principles to show proximity and relevance in visual design and reduce clutter to simplify information provided

Identifying potential UX issues

Highlights of the current platform design needed to be restructured for a better user experience, I wanted to position the content in such a way that at a quick glance the user (operation engineers in factories) gets all the important information they need and are able to sort through data.

Design Solution

When an operator configures the Ergo Monitor within the Invisible AI system during installation of cameras in factories, the ergo monitor helps them prevent ergonomic injuries by monitoring worker postures. I solved the issues by reducing the amount of tabs in the previous versions and simplifying the angle changes and bend activation with a single click.

Design Solution

The proposed solution showcased information in various formats in a single view and reduced cognitive load as well as overwhelming users with endless amount of data and scrolling. I prioritized cleaning up the "Filters" option and combined the shortcuts in a dropdown with other filters.

Project Impact

The revamped analytics center is live and we received positive feedback from customers for it's simplicity and ease of use.

Even though it was a small feature upgrade, I improved the user experience by improving efficiency and navigation


The fact that this feature is live says a lot in the start-up world as things are chaotic and priorities change very fast.

Positive Feedback

Users found this to be simpler than the previous version and it saved them a lot of time and effort.

Project Impact

The smallest improvements can have a bigger impact on the overall user experience. Our goal was to solve for the user stories in this scenario and that was fulfilled by combining the global config monitor settings and finding a way to tweak ergonomic posture details. Currently in development and yet to be live.

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